Dr.Shady Saleem


Duration of course :
5days: 2 days theoretical and 3 day practical
Target groups :
(G.P, Resident of Obs. & Gyn., Specialist of Obs. & Gyn., Family Medicine doctors.Resident of Radiology, Specialist of Radiology).
Physics of Ultrasound.
Fetal biometries & Biophysical profile.
Normal Placenta and umblical cord.
Placenta accrete spectrum
Amniotic fluid.
When to take a decision of delivery (Sonographic features of lung maturity).
Day 2 :
Normal early pregnancy.
Detection of Gestational Trophoblastic Diseases (GTD).
Screening of fetal congenital anomalies.
Ectopic Pregnancy.
Ultrasoumd of multiple pregnancy
Abnormal Early pregnancy.

Day3, 4,5 : Practical
Hands on training on patients
Facilities required:
Training hall including: data show, computer, patients and ultrasound machines.
Evaluation (needed for certification) :
Attendees percent of participation : 90% .
Hands on examination.
Training methods and tools :
Interactive illustrated presentations.
Videos, pictures and diagrams illustrating the anatomy appearance on U/S.
The candidates will be divided into groups & trainer will be with attendees in one to one hands on training.


Duration of course:

6 days: 3 days theoretical & 3 day practical

Target groups:

  • Consultant & Specialist of Obs. & Gyn., Consultant & Specialist of Radiology,Family Medicine doctors.

Day 1:

  • The Fetal CNS (normal and abnormal) .
  • The Fetal Face (normal and abnormal)
  • The Fetal Lungs (normal and abnormal)

Day 2 :

  • The Fetal Heart( ISUOG Guidelines) .
  • The fetal Skeletal System.
  • Fetal urinary system.

Day 3:

  • Normal or abnormal.
  • The Anterior Abdominal Wall.
  • 20 planes approch.

Day 4,5,6: Practical

Hands on training on patients

Facilities required:

Training hall including: data show, computer, patients and ultrasound machines.

Evaluation (needed for certification) :

  • Attendees’ percent of participation: 90%.
  • Hands on examination.

 Training methods and tools:

  • Interactive illustrated presentations.
  • Videos, pictures.
  • Patients and ultrasound machines
  • The candidates will be divided into groups & trainer will be with attendees in one to one hands on training.

Hysteroscopy Course

Soft Skills Development Workshop

Duration of course :

  3 days; 2 day theoretical and simulation, 1 days patients‘ hands-on.

Target group :

Consultants / Specialists of Obs. & Gyn.

Course Outline:

  • Understanding the role of Hysteroscopy in modern Gynecology.
  • Instruments / Equipment & types of Hysteroscopies .
  • Soft Hysteroscopy skills.
  • Simple operative Hysteroscopy.
  • Office Hysteroscopy unit setup.

Day 1 :

  • Introduction & recent trends in Office Gynecology.
  • Endoscopic equipment & Hysteroscopic instruments.
  • Break
  • Hysteroscopic & the distension media.
  • Anatomy of the female reproductive cavity.

Day 2 :

  • Hysteroscopy in action & the Hysteroscopic complications.
  • Setting up an Office Hysteroscopy Unit & assembling the Hysteroscope


  • Optic simulation (hands-on).
  • Operative simulation (hands-on).
  • Discussion time.

Days 3 : Hands-on training in operation room

  • Trainees will perform full Hysteroscopic procedures independently.
  • Office Hysteroscopy session.

Facilities required:

Training hall including: data show, computer, simulator, patients and operation room.

Evaluation (needed for certification) :

Attendees percent of participation: 90%.

Training methods and tools :

  1. Interactive illustrated presentations videos, pictures.
  3. Patients and hysteroscopy.

 The candidates will be divided into groups & trainer will be with  attendees in

  1. one to one hands on training.


3/D & 4/D in Obs. & Gyn.

Duration of course :

4 days: 2 days theoretical and 2 day practical

Target groups :

Consultant & Specialist of Obs. & Gyn., Consultant & Specialist of Radiology

Family Medicine doctors.

Day 1 :

  • The Basics of 3/D & 4/D Ultrasound.
  • The 3/D Rendering Volume.
  • The Volume Contrast Imaging (VCI).
  • The Orthogonal mode, Tomographic mode, Surface mode Rendering & HD-Live, Maximum mode Rendering, Minimum mode, Inversion mode, Silhouette tool, Glass body mode & H-D Live Flow.
  • 3D&4D of fetal face
  • Vaginal 3 D

Day 2 :

  • 3/D of the Fetal Skeleton.
  • 3/D of Intra-Thoracic & Intra-Abdominal Organs.
  • 3/D in Early Pregnancy.

Day 3 :

  • Hands on training on

Facilities required:

Training hall including: data show, computer, patients and ultrasound machines.

Evaluation (needed for certification) :

  • Attendees’ percent of participation: 90%.
  • Hands on examination.

Training methods and tools :

  • Interactive illustrated presentations.
  • Patients and high end ultrasound machine
  • Videos, pictures and diagrams illustrating the anatomy appearance on U/S.

The candidates will be divided into groups & trainer will be with attendees in one to

  • one hands on training.
Basic course of Laparoscopy


Duration of course :

6 days: 3 days theoretical and 3 day practical

Target groups :

Consultant & Specialist of Obs. & Gyn.

  • Introduction/history.
  • Advantages, disadvantages & limitations of laparoscopy.
  • Contraindications & risk factors.
  • Physiological changes during laparoscopy.
  • Patient preparation.
  • Pelvic anatomy seen through laparoscopy.
  • Anaesthesia during laparoscopy.
  • Postoperative management.
  • Problems & solutions with imaging & viewing.
  • Sterilization & maintenance of optics and camera.
  • Instruments & access.
  • Creation of pneumoperitoneum/access.
  • Gasless laparoscopy.
  • Pneumoperitoneum by Veress needle.
  • Problems and solutions of Veress needle &
  • Primary cannula insertion.
  • Open cannulation (Hasson’s technique).
  • Secondary cannula.
  • Instruments for dissection.
  • Diathermy/Electrocautery.
  • Dissection of tissue.
  • Suction/irrigation.
  • Laser
  • Ligation & suturing.
  • Specimen extraction.
  • Instruments for dissection.

Day 1 :

  • Introduction to MIS.
  • Getting to know the equipment: Camera, light source, monitor, insufflator.
  • Getting to know the instruments, methods of sterilization and
  • Pneumoperitoneum & Port

Day 2 :

  • Different methods of hemostasis in laparoscopy (monopolar – bipolar – harmonic –ligasure -Thunderbeat).
  • Ergonomics of
  • Safety and complications of MIS ,Mistakes and errors in
  • Tissue retrieval

Day 3 :

  • Laparoscopic pelvic
  • Laparoscopic
  • Laparoscopic management of ovarian
  • Rule of laparoscopy in

Practical : 3 days

  • Laparoscopic suturing in dry lap
  • Animal
  • Setting and instruments of Laparoscopy.
  • Guidelines for Laparoscopy clinical practice.
  • Hands on training on laparoscopy .

Facilities required:

Training hall including: data show, computer, patients and ;laparoscopy

. Evaluation (needed for certification) :

  • Attendees percent of participation : 90% .
  • Hands on

Training methods and tools :

  • Interactive illustrated
  • Videos, pictures and diagrams illustrating the anatomy appearance on laparoscopy.
  • The candidates will be divided into groups & trainer will be with attendees in one to one hands on

Aesthetic Gynecology Course

Duration of course :

4 days:1 days theoretical & 3day practical

Target groups :

  • Consultants & Specialists of Obs. & Gyn., Consultants & Specialists of plastic surgery and dermatology and Family Medicine doctors.

Day 1 :

  • Set-up, materials and instruments for office Aesthetic Gynecology.
  • Gross and functional anatomy of the pelvic floor, vulva, and vagina: what you must know.
  • Office Anaesthesia protocols.
  • Preoperative considerations: Consent, Medications, Preparation of the patient.
  • Complications of Surgical approach: how to avoid them, how to deal with them.
  • Fillers in aesthetic gynecology
  • Labia Minora Reduction: choosing the best technique based on morphology.
  • Labia Majora Augmentation ( Surgical & Non-Surgical ).

Day 2 :

  • Laser in Aesthetic Gynaecology
  • Radiofrequency in aesthetic gynecology
  • HIFU in aesthetic gynecology
  • PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) : applications into vulvo-vaginal tissues.
  • Aesthetic Gynaecology in Practice.
  • Vaginal Tightening: ( Surgical / Non-Surgical / STVT : Single Thread Vaginal.
  • Mild stress incontinence
  • Vaginal atrophy(specially post menopausal atrophy)
  • Most annoying Sexual problems (Vaginismus, Dyspareunia & Anorgasmia).
  • Marketing yourself & your product

Day 3,4 :

  • Video demonstrations.
  • Live demonstrations.
  • Hands-on trainings on patients.

Facilities required:

Training hall including: data show, computer, patients and  machines.

Evaluation (needed for certification) :

  • Attendees percent of participation : 90% .
  • Hands on examination.

Training methods and tools :

  • Interactive illustrated presentations.
  • Videos, pictures.
  • Patients and machines.
  • The candidates will be divided into groups & trainer will be with attendees in one to one hands on training.

Doppler in Obs.& Gyn

Duration of course :

4 days: 2 days theoretical and 2 day practical

Target groups :

Consultant & Specialist of Obs. & Gyn., Consultant & Specialist of Radiology

Family Medicine doctors.

Day 1 :

  • The Physics of Doppler.
  • The Umbilical artery Doppler.
  • The Middle Cerebral Artery Doppler.
  • The Ductus Venosus.
  • Doppelr in Rh isoimmunisation

Day 2 :

  • Doppler Ultrasound in Diagnosis & Management of IUGR.
  • Doppler Velocimetry & Multiple Gestation.
  • Uterine artery Dopper.
  • Early detection of preeclampsia
  • Doppler In Gynecology..

Day 3,4 :     Practical

Hands on training on patients

Facilities required:

Training hall including: data show, computer, patients and ultrasound machines.

Evaluation (needed for certification) :

  • Attendees percent of participation : 90% .
  • Hands on examination.

Training methods and tools :

  • Interactive illustrated presentations.
  • Videos, pictures and diagrams ,patients and machines.
  • The candidates will be divided into groups & trainer will be with attendees in one to one hands on training.

Infertility & IVF Course


Duration of course :

 6 days: 4 days theoretical and 2 day practical

Target groups :

Obs. & Gynecologists (Specialists & Consultants).

Day 1 :

  • Understanding physiology of reproduction.
  • Understanding causes of infertility & management.
  • How to select a patient for IVF.

Day 2 :

  • Protocols of Ovarian Induction.
  • case scenarios of infertility patients.
  • Ovum pick up.
  • Embryo Transfer.
  • Leuteal phase support.

Day 3 :

  • Male Infertility.
  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).
  • Intrauterine Insemination (IUI).
  • Unexplained

Day 4 :

  • Ultrasound & Subfertility.
  • Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS).
  • Hysteroscopy & Infertility.
  • Pregnancy complications after a successful IVF treatment.

Facilities required:

Training hall including: data show, computer, simulator, Patients and operation room.

Evaluation (needed for certification) :

Attendees percent of participation : 90% .

Training methods and tools :

  • Interactive illustrated presentations.
  • Videos, pictures.
  • Simulator (Ovum pick- up & E.T.).
  • At IVF center the candidates will be divided into groups (two or three in each group).
  • Trainer shall be with the trainees, in one to one hands on training.

Vaginal Ultrasound Course

Duration of course :

6 days: 3 days theoretical and 3 day practical

Target groups :

  • (G.P, Resident of Obs. & Gyn., Specialist of Obs. & Gyn., Family Medicine doctors, Resident of Radiology, Specialist of Radiology.

Day 1 :

  • Basics of Vaginal Ultrasound.
  • Uterus & Mullerian anomalies.
  • Cervical assessment by U/S.
  • Adnexal Masse.

Day 2 :

  • U/S & Gynecological emergency.
  • Ultrasound & Sub-fertility.
  • IOTA.
  • IATA.

Day 3:

  • Ultrasound & Endometriosis.
  • Ultrasound & Acute pelvic pain.
  • 3/D in Gynecology.
  • Doppler in Gynecology.

Day 4,5,6:  


Hands on training on patients

Facilities required:

Training hall including: data show, computer, patients and ultrasound machines.

Evaluation (needed for certification) :

  • Attendees percent of participation : 90% .
  • Hands on examination.

Training methods and tools :

  • Interactive illustrated presentations.
  • Videos, pictures and diagrams ,Patients and ultrasound machines.
  • The candidates will be divided into groups & trainer will be with attendees in one to one hands on training.

Advanced Laparoscopic workshop

Duration of course :

6 days: 3 days theoretical and 3 day practical

Target groups :

Consultant & Specialist of Obs. & Gyn.


    Laparoscopic tubal disconnection.

    Tubal sterilization.



    Laparoscopic ovarian drilling.

    Ovarian cystectomy.



    Ovarian torsion.

    Ectopic pregnancy.

    Open discussion.



Practical :   3 days Animal lap and operation room.

Facilities required:

Training hall including: data show, computer, patients and laparoscopy machines.

Evaluation (needed for certification) :

  • Attendees percent of participation: 90%.
  • Hands on examination.

Training methods and tools:

  • Interactive illustrated presentations.
  • Videos, pictures and diagrams, patients and laparoscopy.
  • The candidates will be divided into groups & trainer will be with attendees in one to one hands on training.

Target groups:

Consultant & Specialist of Obs. & Gyn.


Day 1:

  • Basic principles of Colposcopy.
  • The normal cervix & Colposcopic appearance.
  • Natural history of cervical carcinoma, HPV, & vaccination.
  • Colposcopic appearance of CIN.

Day 2:

  • Colposcopic directed biopsies.
  • Invasive cervical disease.
  • Glandular disease.
  • Inflammatory and infective conditions of the cervix & anogenital tract.



  • 1 days Animal lap and operation room.

Facilities required:

  • Training hall including: data show, computer, patients and laparoscopy machines.


Evaluation (needed for certification) :

  • Attendees percent of participation: 90%.
  • Hands on examination.


Training methods and tools :

  • Interactive illustrated presentations.
  • Videos, pictures and diagrams, patients and laparoscopy.
  • The candidates will be divided into groups & trainer will be with attendees in one to one hands on training.
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